Robots.txt Generator

Default - All Robots are:  
Sitemap: (leave blank if you don't have) 
Search Robots: Google
  Google Image
  Google Mobile
  MSN Search
  Yahoo MM
  Yahoo Blogs
  DMOZ Checker
  MSN PicSearch
Restricted Directories: The path is relative to root and must contain a trailing slash "/"

Now, Create 'robots.txt' file at your root directory. Copy above text and paste into the text file.

About Robots.txt Generator

Take control of your website's visibility and crawling behavior with our advanced Robots.txt Generator. Craft a customized robots.txt file effortlessly to guide search engine spiders and bots on how to interact with your site. Our user-friendly generator allows you to specify rules and directives, ensuring that your content is crawled and indexed according to your preferences.

Efficiently manage the access of search engines to specific areas of your website, protecting sensitive information and enhancing overall SEO performance. Elevate your website's indexing strategy by generating a precise robots.txt file tailored to your content structure and priorities.

Experience the ease of optimizing your website's crawling directives with our Robots.txt Generator, your key to achieving better control and visibility in search engine results.

wordpress gpl